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(07) 3808 1085

5 Allamanda Drive
Daisy Hill 4127

Dr James McCulloch

Dr James brings a wide range of skills to our practice, and not just veterinary ones! Initially starting his working life as a chef, Dr James then moved on to graphic design, before deciding to retrain as a veterinarian at the University of Queensland.

It might seem like a big leap from chef to veterinarian, but for Dr James it was all down to a growing interest in the science behind both cooking and gardening that led to him to pursue a career with a focus on science and medicine.

Now firmly part of the team, Dr James enjoys both the theoretical and practical nature of his work, and the chance to interact with a wide range of patients during the day.

Dr James has a particular interest in ultrasound as a non-invasive, quick, and painless way to take a look inside his patients before making a diagnosis. He is also often spotted at courses and seminars as he keeps up to date with all the latest initiatives in veterinary science, and has his eye on some further surgical training in the future.

In the clinic, Dr James has a soft spot for golden retrievers, but at home he spends his time tending the family’s pet chickens and fish.  Medicine runs in the family for Dr James. While he is treating our beloved patients of the animal variety, his wife is treating humans as an emergency department doctor.

Dr James has slotted right into the close-knit team here at our practice, supported by our highly skilled nurses and his fellow veterinarians. We’re enjoying having Dr James around too – his chef skills are much appreciated when someone is having a birthday. His carrot cake is exceptional!