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Exercising with your cat – Yes you can!!

catOk, so exercising with your cat may require a little imagination. The benefits for your feline friend however are well worth the effort.

Why Should Your Cat Exercise?

Exercise is great for our mind and body and that is the same for our pets. Cat and activity are not normally two words that people expect to go together however your kitty will benefit greatly from expending some energy. Relevant to your cat’s age, weight, personality and triggers you may find just setting an area with some toys and a scratching post may do the trick. Some cats however prefer to have you involved in the fun.

Any activity is good for our pets and helps them maintain a healthy body weight with toned muscles and an alert mind. The special time that we spend with our pet builds our bond ever more.

catHow Much Time Should Your Cat Exercise?

  • Just 5-15 minutes engaging a few times each day is ideal, even once a day is beneficial.
  • Younger cats will normally seek you out to play or they will find their own entertainment. They have lots of energy and will probably want you to play all day.
  • For the older and overweight cat encouraging them to move is a little harder. A shorter playtime will still bring benefits. This group may only play for a few minutes until they build up endurance or you find something that they really enjoy.

Exercise ideas that might help:

  • Cats are natural hunters so anything that stimulates them will be a winner. Small furry mice either wound up or motorised will tweak the attention of the most inactive kitty.
  • Movements with feathers or mock mice on the end of a stick will cause some excitement.
  • Wriggling ribbon or yarn across the ground in front of your cat’s feet just out of reach will entice some. Always ensure you pack this away after play to ensure your kitty doesn’t ingest.
  • Laser or torchlights are very popular as they resemble the movement of bugs which cats enjoy. Ensure the laser is low and not pointed high on the wall otherwise kitty may do some redecorating for you. Also never shine the light in your cat’s eye as it will cause damage.
  • Cats love boxes to explore, crumpled paper to hit across the room and toilet roll holders to play with. All great and inexpensive toys.
  • What a great way to save the couch. A scratching post can entice your cat to climb, receive incidental exercise and fulfil their need to wear down their claws. Hang some toys off the scratching post to add further excitement. If you have the room set up a kitty obstacle course so that they can jump from one point to another.

If you need any help or further information feel free to talk any of our team or book in for a complimentary Healthy Weight Check.