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(07) 3808 1085

5 Allamanda Drive
Daisy Hill 4127

Pet Fit Program for Dogs and Cats

Take the challenge and join our well-supported, easy to follow and finish Pet Fit Program.

The Pet Fit program is absolutely free to you and your pet. By helping your pet slim down you won’t just reduce their risk of illness (e.g. diabetes, heart disease) but help your pet live longer, so you can enjoy more happy times together.

Your pet will receive the following as part of the Pet Fit Program:

  • FREE 20 minute Consultation
  • Weight and measurement checks as often as you like
  • Monthly SMS’s weight loss tips
  • Reward gifts when your pet reaches its target weight loss
  • Before and After Photos
  • Exercise tips
  • Causes of weight gain advice
  • Importance of nutrition advice
  • How to reach the ideal weight advice


 Exercise and its importance…

Nothing beats a good walk with your best friend, but that’s not your only option for providing a workout that fits just right with a longer, healthier life. To a dog, a walk is an all-round workout that keeps their body and their mind healthy. But it’s important that your dog is exercised every day, not just at weekends. Regular exercise will help them lose weight as well as keeping them fitter, healthier and happier.

Extra long walks at the weekend can actually do more harm than good, especially if your dog suffers from arthritis. They may appear to keep up, but they can be stiff and sore the following day. Healthy cats who spend a lot of time outdoors will get plenty of exercise by playing and exploring.

Overweight and indoor cats on the other hand, often suffer from lack of exercise. But exercising your cat is not difficult, and as well as helping them to lose weight, it makes a big difference to their overall health and happiness.

You can receive more exercises and tips when you join up!

Call to make a appointment with our Pet Fit nurse Kylee (07) 3808 1085